Monday, March 25, 2013

Introduction to Tibetan Singing Bowls

Four thousand years ago, singing bowls have invented in Tibet. From that time, it was found out that the Tibetan monks and shamans that were in existence from way back then were the secret users of this bowl.

Tibetan singing bowls are known to produce sounds and vibrations that have intense effects on the minds and bodies of human bodies. In particular, the sounds that the singing bowls are made to generate are known to be extremely soothing and are mainly used for initiating meditation state of minds. The vibrations produced from the sounds gently massage your whole body so that the healing bowl can take effect.

You can find that such Tibetan singing bowls are being made in Nepal and India. The usual design of a Tibetan singing bowl would consist of a total of eight metals in its construction. You may Click Here Tibetan Singing Bowls. There are, however, newer designs which are only made of seven metals. Such designs are known to be very high in quality and in construction. In addition, Tibetan singing bowls are made through the hands of the people who design them so you are sure that one bowl that you have is extremely unique from another bowl.

After all the information presented above, the thing that you have to know now is how to distinguish good singing bowls and how to buy them. There are certain characteristics of a good Tibetan singing bowl that you must take into mind if you are thinking of buying one for your personal use.

Firstly, you must remember that there are certain things you have to consider regarding the Tibetan singing bowl so you should make sure that you do not unconsciously make yourself rush in buying whichever singing bowl that you can find in the market. Follow the link to learn more about Antique Tibetan Singing Bowls.  For testing out the sounds that the singing bowl generates, you can do this by striking the bowl with a stick made for this purpose. Sticks used for this function are mainly designed to be thick and wooden.

Once you strike the bowl, you would be able to hear resonating tones which come from the bowl vibrating for a long period of time. It is a must that you make sure that the sounds produced from the time when you struck the bowl is longer in terms of minutes and there are several layers that can be heard from the sounds produced. It is essential that the sounds you hear from the bowl would be able to reach the inner you and personally impress you.

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